- php-cs-fixer - A tool to automatically fix PHP code style
- php-cs-fixer-accessible-object - A library to reveal object internals
- php-gecko-packages-gecko-php-unit - Additional PHPUnit asserts and constraints
- php-gecko-packages-gecko-php-unit3 - Additional PHPUnit asserts and constraints
- php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer - PHP coding standards enforcement tool
- php-pear-phing - A project build system based on Apache Ant
- php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php54-php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php54-xhprof - A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP - Web interface
- php55-php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php55-xhprof - A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP - Web interface
- php56-php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php56-xhprof - A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP - Web interface
- php70-php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php71-php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php72-php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- ssdeep - Compute context triggered piecewise hashes
- xhprof - A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP - Web interface