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ImageMagick6 - An X application for displaying and manipulating images
ImageMagick6-c++ - ImageMagick Magick++ library (C++ bindings)
ImageMagick6-c++-devel - C++ bindings for the ImageMagick library
ImageMagick6-devel - Library links and header files for ImageMagick app development
ImageMagick6-djvu - DjVu plugin for ImageMagick
ImageMagick6-doc - ImageMagick html documentation
ImageMagick6-libs - Commands for ImageMagick
ImageMagick6-perl - ImageMagick perl bindings
ImageMagick7 - An X application for displaying and manipulating images
ImageMagick7-c++ - ImageMagick Magick++ library (C++ bindings)
ImageMagick7-c++-devel - C++ bindings for the ImageMagick library
ImageMagick7-devel - Library links and header files for ImageMagick app development
ImageMagick7-djvu - DjVu plugin for ImageMagick
ImageMagick7-doc - ImageMagick html documentation
ImageMagick7-libs - Commands for ImageMagick
ImageMagick7-perl - ImageMagick perl bindings
apcu-panel - APCu control panel
base58 - Bitcoin's base58 encoding
cmark-static-devel - Development files for cmark
cmark-static-lib - CommonMark parsing and rendering library
composer - Dependency Manager for PHP
glpi-ocsinventoryng - Plugin to synchronize GLPI with OCS Inventory NG
glpi-webservices - Extension GLPI fournissant des services web
hdrhistogram - A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
hdrhistogram-devel - Header files and development libraries for hdrhistogram
icu62 - International Components for Unicode
libbase58 - Library for Bitcoin's base58 encoding
libbase58-devel - Header files and development libraries for libbase58
libdvdcss - A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdcss-devel - Header files and development libraries for libdvdcss
libjit - Just-In-Time compiler functionality
libjit-devel - Header files and development libraries for libjit
libmustache - Mustache C++ library
libmustache-devel - Development files for libmustache
librabbitmq - Client library for AMQP
librabbitmq-devel - Header files and development libraries for librabbitmq
librabbitmq-tools - Example tools built using the librabbitmq package
libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files
libzip - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
libzip-devel - Development files for libzip
libzip-tools - Command line tools from libzip
memcached - High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache
memcached-devel - Files needed for development using memcached protocol
phan - A static analyzer for PHP
php-PHPMailer - PHP email transport class with a lot of features
php-PsrLog - Common interface for logging libraries
php-Smarty - Template/Presentation Framework for PHP
php-ast - Abstract Syntax Tree
php-aws-sdk3 - Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
php-bartlett-PHP-Reflect - Adds the ability to reverse-engineer PHP
php-bartlett-php-compatinfo-db - Reference Database to be used with php-compatinfo library
php-bartlett-umlwriter - Create UML class diagrams from your PHP source
php-cakephp-cache - CakePHP Collection Library
php-cakephp-collection - CakePHP Collection Library
php-cakephp-core - CakePHP Framework Core classes
php-cakephp-database - CakePHP Database Library
php-cakephp-datasource - CakePHP Datasource Library
php-cakephp-event - CakePHP Event Library
php-cakephp-log - logging library
php-cakephp-utility - CakePHP Utility Classes
php-componere - Composing PHP classes at runtime
php-composer-ca-bundle - Lets you find a path to the system CA
php-composer-installers - A multi-framework Composer library installer
php-composer-spdx-licenses - SPDX licenses list and validation library
php-composer-xdebug-handler - Restarts a process without xdebug
php-cs-fixer - A tool to automatically fix PHP code style
php-cs-fixer-phpunit-constraint-isidenticalstring - Constraint for testing strings considering not-same line endings
php-cs-fixer-phpunit-constraint-xmlmatchesxsd - Constraint for testing XML against XSD
php-deepdiver-zipstreamer - Stream zip files without i/o overhead
php-deepend-Mockery - Mockery is a simple but flexible PHP mock object framework
php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle - Symfony Bundle for Doctrine
php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle - Symfony2 Bundle for Doctrine Cache
php-doctrine-migrations - PHP Doctrine Migrations project
php-egulias-email-validator - A library for validating emails
php-egulias-email-validator2 - A library for validating emails
php-elvanto-litemoji - Conversion of unicode, HTML and shortcode emoji
php-erusev-parsedown - Markdown parser in PHP
php-evenement - Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP
php-felixfbecker-advanced-json-rpc3 - A more advanced JSONRPC implementation
php-fig-http-message-util - PSR Http Message Util
php-gecko-packages-gecko-php-unit3 - Additional PHPUnit asserts and constraints
php-getid3 - The PHP media file parser
php-gettext-gettext - PHP gettext manager
php-gettext-languages - Generate gettext language lists with plural rules
php-horde-Horde-Browser - Horde Browser API
php-horde-Horde-Compress - Horde Compression API
php-horde-Horde-Core - Horde Core Framework libraries
php-horde-Horde-Icalendar - iCalendar API
php-horde-Horde-Image - Horde Image API
php-horde-Horde-Imap-Client - Horde IMAP abstraction interface
php-horde-Horde-Mapi - MAPI utility library
php-horde-horde - Horde Application Framework
php-horde-imp - A web based webmail system
php-horde-kronolith - A web based calendar
php-horde-nag - A web based task list manager
php-horde-turba - A web based address book
php-icewind-smb2 - php wrapper for smbclient and libsmbclient-php
php-icewind-streams - A set of generic stream wrappers
php-ioncube-loader - Loader for ionCube Encoded Files with ionCube 24 support
php-jeremeamia-superclosure - Serialize Closure objects, including their context and binding
php-justinrainbow-json-schema5 - A library to validate a json schema
php-league-flysystem - Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API
php-league-tactician - A small, flexible command bus
php-maennchen-zipstream-php - A fast and simple streaming zip file downloader for PHP
php-maxmind-db-reader - MaxMind DB Reader
php-maxminddb - MaxMind DB Reader extension
php-microsoft-tolerant-php-parser - Tolerant PHP-to-AST parser
php-mikealmond-musicbrainz - A PHP library to access MusicBrainz's Web Service v2
php-mikey179-vfsstream - PHP stream wrapper for a virtual file system
php-mkopinsky-zxcvbn-php - Realistic password strength estimation PHP library
php-mock-integration2 - Integration package for PHP-Mock
php-mock-phpunit2 - Mock built-in PHP functions with PHPUnit.
php-mock2 - PHP-Mock can mock built-in PHP functions
php-mockery - Mockery is a simple but flexible PHP mock object framework
php-mongodb - MongoDB driver library
php-myclabs-php-enum - PHP Enum implementation
php-nikic-fast-route - Fast implementation of a regular expression based router
php-nikic-php-parser4 - A PHP parser written in PHP - version 4
php-oneup-flysystem-bundle - Conversion of unicode, HTML and shortcode emoji
php-opencloud-openstack - PHP SDK for OpenStack clouds
php-opencloud-openstack-doc - Documentation for PHP SDK for OpenStack clouds
php-owncloud-tarstreamer - Streaming dynamic tar files
php-paragonie-random-compat - PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php-pear-Cache-Lite - Méthode de cache rapide et sécurisée pour PHP
php-pear-Console-Getargs - Analyseur des arguments et paramètres en ligne de commande
php-pear-DB - PEAR: Database Abstraction Layer
php-pear-Net-DNS2 - PHP Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
php-pear-Net-SMTP - Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
php-pear-Net-Sieve - Handles talking to a sieve server
php-pear-Numbers-Words - Methods for spelling numerals in words
php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer - PHP coding standards enforcement tool
php-pecl-ahocorasick - Effective Aho-Corasick string pattern matching algorithm
php-pecl-amqp - Communicate with any AMQP compliant server
php-pecl-apcu - APC User Cache
php-pecl-apcu-bc - APCu Backwards Compatibility Module
php-pecl-apcu-devel - APCu developer files (header)
php-pecl-base58 - Encode and decode data with base58
php-pecl-cmark - CommonMark extension
php-pecl-couchbase2 - Couchbase Server PHP extension
php-pecl-datadog-trace - APM and distributed tracing for PHP
php-pecl-decimal - Arbitrary-precision floating-point decimal
php-pecl-druid - A Druid driver for PHP
php-pecl-ds - Data Structures for PHP
php-pecl-eio - Provides interface to the libeio library
php-pecl-event - Provides interface to libevent library
php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
php-pecl-geospatial - PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions
php-pecl-grpc - General RPC framework
php-pecl-handlebars - Handlebars templating language
php-pecl-http - Extended HTTP support
php-pecl-http-devel - Extended HTTP support developer files (header)
php-pecl-igbinary - Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
php-pecl-igbinary-devel - Igbinary developer files (header)
php-pecl-leveldb - LevelDB PHP bindings
php-pecl-libsodium2 - Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
php-pecl-luasandbox - Lua interpreter with limits and safe environment
php-pecl-memcached - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
php-pecl-mongodb - MongoDB driver for PHP
php-pecl-mustache - Mustache templating language
php-pecl-mysql-xdevapi - MySQL database access functions
php-pecl-nsq - PHP extension for NSQ client
php-pecl-oauth - PHP OAuth consumer extension
php-pecl-oci8 - Extension for Oracle Database
php-pecl-opencensus - A stats collection and distributed tracing framework
php-pecl-parallel - Parallel concurrency API
php-pecl-parle - Parsing and lexing
php-pecl-pcov - Code coverage driver
php-pecl-pq - PostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding
php-pecl-propro - Property proxy
php-pecl-protobuf - Mechanism for serializing structured data
php-pecl-psr - PSR interfaces
php-pecl-psr-devel - php-pecl-psr developer files (header)
php-pecl-redis4 - Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
php-pecl-rpminfo - RPM information
php-pecl-sandbox - Isolated environment
php-pecl-seaslog - An effective, fast, stable log extension for PHP
php-pecl-selinux - SELinux binding for PHP scripting language
php-pecl-sphinx - PECL extension for Sphinx SQL full-text search engine
php-pecl-ssh2 - Bindings for the libssh2 library
php-pecl-stackdriver-debugger - Investigate your code behavior in production
php-pecl-stomp - Stomp client extension
php-pecl-svm - Support Vector Machine Library
php-pecl-swoole - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
php-pecl-swoole2 - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
php-pecl-swoole2-devel - php-pecl-swoole2 developer files (header)
php-pecl-swoole4 - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
php-pecl-swoole4-devel - php-pecl-swoole4 developer files (header)
php-pecl-taint - XSS code sniffer
php-pecl-trader - Technical Analysis for traders
php-pecl-uopz - User Operations for Zend
php-pecl-varnish - Varnish Cache bindings
php-pecl-vld - Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
php-pecl-xlswriter - An efficient and fast xlsx file export extension
php-pecl-yaf - Yet Another Framework
php-pecl-yaml - PHP Bindings for yaml
php-pecl-yar - Light, concurrent RPC framework
php-pecl-yaz - Z39.50/SRU client
php-pecl-zookeeper - PHP extension for interfacing with Apache ZooKeeper
php-phalcon3 - Phalcon Framework
php-phpmailer6 - Full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser - A validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect
php-phpseclib - PHP Secure Communications Library
php-phpseclib-crypt-aes - Pure-PHP implementation of AES
php-phpseclib-crypt-base - Base class for symmetric key cryptographic algorithms
php-phpseclib-crypt-blowfish - Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish
php-phpseclib-crypt-des - Pure-PHP implementation of DES
php-phpseclib-crypt-hash - Pure-PHP implementations of keyed HMACs and hashing functions
php-phpseclib-crypt-random - Random Number Generator
php-phpseclib-crypt-rc4 - Pure-PHP implementation of RC4
php-phpseclib-crypt-rijndael - Pure-PHP implementation of Rijndael
php-phpseclib-crypt-rsa - Pure-PHP PKCS#1 (v2.1) compliant implementation of RSA
php-phpseclib-crypt-tripledes - Pure-PHP implementation of Triple DES
php-phpseclib-crypt-twofish - Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish
php-phpseclib-file-asn1 - Pure-PHP ASN1 parser
php-phpseclib-net-sftp - Pure-PHP implementation of SFTP
php-phpseclib-net-ssh2 - Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv2
php-phpspec - Specification-oriented BDD framework for PHP
php-phpspec-prophecy - Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP
php-phpunit-PHP-Invoker - Utility class for invoking callables with a timeout
php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium - Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-dbunit3 - Extension for database interaction testing for PHPUnit 6
php-phpunit-dbunit4 - Extension for database interaction testing for PHPUnit 7
php-phpunit-mock-objects6 - Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage6 - PHP code coverage information
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage7 - PHP code coverage information
php-phpunit-php-file-iterator2 - FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes
php-phpunit-php-timer2 - PHP Utility class for timing
php-phpunit-php-token-stream3 - Wrapper around PHP tokenizer extension
php-pragmarx-google2fa - Google Two-Factor Authentication for PHP Package
php-psr-http-factory - Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories
php-psr-simple-cache - Common interfaces for simple caching (PSR-16)
php-rmccue-requests - Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library
php-sabre-dav - WebDAV Framework for PHP
php-sabre-event5 - Lightweight library for event-based programming
php-sabre-vobject - Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
php-sabre-vobject4 - Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
php-sabre-xml - XML library that you may not hate
php-samyoul-u2f-php-server - Server side handling class for FIDO U2F registration and authentication
php-scssphp - A compiler for SCSS written in PHP
php-sebastian-diff3 - Diff implementation
php-sebastian-environment4 - Handle HHVM/PHP environments
php-sebastian-global-state3 - Snapshotting of global state
php-sebastian-object-enumerator - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects
php-sebastian-object-enumerator3 - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects
php-sebastian-resource-operations2 - Provides a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources
php-sensiolabs-security-checker - A security checker for your composer.lock
php-smbclient - PHP wrapper for libsmbclient
php-solarium4 - Solarium PHP Solr client library
php-symfony - PHP framework for web projects
php-symfony-asset - Symfony Asset Component
php-symfony-browser-kit - Symfony BrowserKit Component
php-symfony-class-loader - Symfony ClassLoader Component
php-symfony-common - Symfony common files
php-symfony-config - Symfony Config Component
php-symfony-console - Symfony Console Component
php-symfony-contracts - A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony
php-symfony-css-selector - Symfony CssSelector Component
php-symfony-debug - Symfony Debug Component
php-symfony-debug-bundle - Symfony Debug Bundle
php-symfony-dependency-injection - Symfony DependencyInjection Component
php-symfony-doctrine-bridge - Symfony Doctrine Bridge
php-symfony-dom-crawler - Symfony DomCrawler Component
php-symfony-event-dispatcher - Symfony EventDispatcher Component
php-symfony-expression-language - Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component
php-symfony-filesystem - Symfony Filesystem Component
php-symfony-finder - Symfony Finder Component
php-symfony-form - Symfony Form Component
php-symfony-framework-bundle - Symfony Framework Bundle
php-symfony-http-foundation - Symfony HttpFoundation Component
php-symfony-http-kernel - Symfony HttpKernel Component
php-symfony-intl - Symfony Intl Component
php-symfony-ldap - Symfony LDAP Component
php-symfony-locale - Symfony Locale Component
php-symfony-monolog-bridge - Symfony Monolog Bridge
php-symfony-monolog-bundle - Symfony MonologBundle
php-symfony-options-resolver - Symfony OptionsResolver Component
php-symfony-phpunit-bridge - Symfony PHPUnit Bridge
php-symfony-polyfill - Symfony polyfills backporting features to lower PHP versions
php-symfony-process - Symfony Process Component
php-symfony-property-access - Symfony PropertyAccess Component
php-symfony-property-info - Symfony Property Info Component
php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge - Symfony ProxyManager Bridge
php-symfony-routing - Symfony Routing Component
php-symfony-security - Symfony Security Component
php-symfony-security-bundle - Symfony Security Bundle
php-symfony-serializer - Symfony Serializer Component
php-symfony-stopwatch - Symfony Stopwatch Component
php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge - Symfony Swiftmailer Bridge
php-symfony-templating - Symfony Templating Component
php-symfony-translation - Symfony Translation Component
php-symfony-twig-bridge - Symfony Twig Bridge
php-symfony-twig-bundle - Symfony Twig Bundle
php-symfony-validator - Symfony Validator Component
php-symfony-var-dumper - Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables
php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle - Symfony WebProfiler Bundle
php-symfony-yaml - Symfony Yaml Component
php-symfony3 - Symfony PHP framework (version 3)
php-symfony3-asset - Symfony Asset Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-browser-kit - Symfony BrowserKit Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-cache - Symfony implementation of PSR-6 (version 3)
php-symfony3-class-loader - Symfony ClassLoader Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-common - Symfony common (version 3)
php-symfony3-config - Symfony Config Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-console - Symfony Console Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-css-selector - Symfony CssSelector Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-debug - Symfony Debug Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-debug-bundle - Symfony Debug Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-dependency-injection - Symfony DependencyInjection Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-doctrine-bridge - Symfony Doctrine Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-dom-crawler - Symfony DomCrawler Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-dotenv - Registers environment variables from a .env file (version 3)
php-symfony3-event-dispatcher - Symfony EventDispatcher Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-expression-language - Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-filesystem - Symfony Filesystem Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-finder - Symfony Finder Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-form - Symfony Form Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-framework-bundle - Symfony Framework Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-http-foundation - Symfony HttpFoundation Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-http-kernel - Symfony HttpKernel Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-inflector - Symfony Inflector Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-intl - Symfony Intl Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-ldap - An abstraction in front of PHP's LDAP functions (version 3)
php-symfony3-lock - Symfony Lock Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-monolog-bridge - Symfony Monolog Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-options-resolver - Symfony OptionsResolver Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-phpunit-bridge - Symfony PHPUnit Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-process - Symfony Process Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-property-access - Symfony PropertyAccess Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-property-info - Symfony PropertyInfo Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-proxy-manager-bridge - Symfony ProxyManager Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-routing - Symfony Routing Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-security - Symfony Security Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-security-bundle - Symfony Security Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-serializer - Symfony Serializer Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-stopwatch - Symfony Stopwatch Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-templating - Symfony Templating Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-translation - Symfony Translation Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-twig-bridge - Symfony Twig Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-twig-bundle - Symfony Twig Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-validator - Symfony Validator Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-var-dumper - Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables (version 3)
php-symfony3-web-link - Symfony WebLink Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-web-profiler-bundle - Symfony WebProfiler Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-web-server-bundle - Symfony WebServer Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-workflow - Symfony Workflow Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-yaml - Symfony Yaml Component (version 3)
php-symfony4 - Symfony PHP framework (version 4)
php-symfony4-asset - Symfony Asset Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-browser-kit - Symfony BrowserKit Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-cache - Symfony implementation of PSR-6 and PSR-16 (version 4)
php-symfony4-common - Symfony common (version 4)
php-symfony4-config - Symfony Config Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-console - Symfony Console Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-css-selector - Symfony CssSelector Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-debug - Symfony Debug Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-debug-bundle - Symfony Debug Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-dependency-injection - Symfony DependencyInjection Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-doctrine-bridge - Symfony Doctrine Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-dom-crawler - Symfony DomCrawler Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-dotenv - Registers environment variables from a .env file (version 4)
php-symfony4-event-dispatcher - Symfony EventDispatcher Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-expression-language - Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-filesystem - Symfony Filesystem Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-finder - Symfony Finder Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-form - Symfony Form Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-framework-bundle - Symfony Framework Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-http-foundation - Symfony HttpFoundation Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-http-kernel - Symfony HttpKernel Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-inflector - Symfony Inflector Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-intl - Symfony Intl Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-ldap - An abstraction in front of PHP's LDAP functions (version 4)
php-symfony4-lock - Symfony Lock Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-messenger - Symfony Messenger Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-monolog-bridge - Symfony Monolog Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-options-resolver - Symfony OptionsResolver Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-phpunit-bridge - Symfony PHPUnit Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-process - Symfony Process Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-property-access - Symfony PropertyAccess Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-property-info - Symfony PropertyInfo Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-proxy-manager-bridge - Symfony ProxyManager Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-routing - Symfony Routing Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-security - Symfony Security Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-security-bundle - Symfony Security Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-serializer - Symfony Serializer Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-stopwatch - Symfony Stopwatch Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-templating - Symfony Templating Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-translation - Symfony Translation Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-twig-bridge - Symfony Twig Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-twig-bundle - Symfony Twig Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-validator - Symfony Validator Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-var-dumper - Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables (version 4)
php-symfony4-var-exporter - Symfony exporting data structure to plain PHP code (version 4)
php-symfony4-web-link - Symfony WebLink Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-web-profiler-bundle - Symfony WebProfiler Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-web-server-bundle - Symfony WebServer Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-workflow - Symfony Workflow Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-yaml - Symfony Yaml Component (version 4)
php-tcpdf - PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts - DejaVu LGC sans-serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts - DejaVu LGC mono-spaced fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts - DejaVu LGC serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-sans-fonts - DejaVu sans-serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - DejaVu mono-spaced fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-serif-fonts - DejaVu serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-mono-fonts - GNU FreeFonts mono-spaced for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-sans-fonts - GNU FreeFonts sans-serif for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-serif-fonts - GNU FreeFonts serif for tcpdf
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-barcode - PHP library to generate linear and bidimensional barcodes
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-file - PHP library to read byte-level data from files
php-theseer-autoload - A tool and library to generate autoload code
php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php-twig2 - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php-typo3-phar-stream-wrapper - Interceptors for PHP's native phar:// stream handling
php-zendframework-zend-cache - Zend Framework Cache component
php-zendframework-zend-captcha - Zend Framework Captcha component
php-zendframework-zend-code - Zend Framework Code component
php-zendframework-zend-console - Zend Framework Console component
php-zendframework-zend-db - Zend Framework Db component
php-zendframework-zend-di - Zend Framework Di component
php-zendframework-zend-dom - Zend Framework Dom component
php-zendframework-zend-escaper - Zend Framework Escaper component
php-zendframework-zend-feed - Zend Framework Feed component
php-zendframework-zend-file - Zend Framework File component
php-zendframework-zend-form - Zend Framework Form component
php-zendframework-zend-http - Zend Framework Http component
php-zendframework-zend-hydrator - Zend Framework Hydrator component
php-zendframework-zend-i18n - Zend Framework I18n component
php-zendframework-zend-inputfilter - Zend Framework InputFilter component
php-zendframework-zend-json-server - Zend Json-Server is a JSON-RPC server implementation
php-zendframework-zend-ldap - Zend Framework Ldap component
php-zendframework-zend-mail - Zend Framework Mail component
php-zendframework-zend-modulemanager - Zend Framework ModuleManager component
php-zendframework-zend-navigation - Zend Framework Navigation component
php-zendframework-zend-router - Zend Framework Router component
php-zendframework-zend-uri - Zend Framework Uri component
php-zendframework-zend-validator - Zend Framework Validator component
php-zendframework-zend-view - Zend Framework View component
php-zendframework-zendservice-recaptcha - Zend Framework ReCaptcha component
php-zendframework-zendxml - Zend Framework ZendXml component
php-zephir-parser - Zephir parser extension
php-zephir-parser-devel - php-zephir-parser developer files (headers)
php-zetacomponents-unit-test - Zeta UnitTest Component
php56-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php56-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php70-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php70-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php70-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php71-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php71-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php71-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php72-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php72-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php72-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
phpMyAdmin - Web based MySQL browser written in php
phpcov - CLI frontend for PHP_CodeCoverage
phpcpd - Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code
phpdoc - Documentation generator for PHP
phpunit6 - The PHP Unit Testing framework
phpunit7 - The PHP Unit Testing framework
phpunit8 - The PHP Unit Testing framework
python2-vips - Python 2 support for vips
python3-vips - Python 3 support for vips
roundcubemail - Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client
termbox - Minimalist library for text-based user interfaces
termbox-devel - Header files and development libraries for termbox
unit - NGINX Unit application server
unit-devel - NGINX Unit (development files)
unit-php - PHP module for NGINX Unit
uwsgi-plugin-php - uWSGI - Plugin for PHP support
vips - C/C++ library for processing large images
vips-devel - Development files for vips
vips-doc - Documentation for vips
vips-python - Python 2 support for vips
vips-python3 - Python 3 support for vips
vips-tools - Command-line tools for vips
wordpress - Blog tool and publishing platform
zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.