Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- lcms2 - Color Management Engine
- lcms2-devel - Development files for LittleCMS
- lcms2-utils - Utility applications for lcms2
- ldns - Lowlevel DNS(SEC) library with API
- ldns-devel - Development package that includes the ldns header files
- ldns-python - Python extensions for ldns
- libcurl - A library for getting files from web servers
- libcurl-devel - Files needed for building applications with libcurl
- libdvdcss - A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
- libdvdcss-devel - Header files and development libraries for libdvdcss
- libevent-last - Abstract asynchronous event notification library
- libevent-last-devel - Development files for libevent-last
- libevent-last-doc - Development documentation for libevent-last
- libharu - C library for generating PDF files
- libharu-devel - Development files for libharu
- libicu-last - International Components for Unicode - libraries
- libicu-last-devel - Development files for International Components for Unicode
- libicu-last-doc - Documentation for International Components for Unicode
- libircclient - C library to create IRC clients
- libircclient-devel - Development files for libircclient
- libmcpp - Alternative C/C++ preprocessor (library build)
- libmcpp-devel - Alternative C/C++ preprocessor (development package for library build)
- libmcrypt - Encryption algorithms library
- libmcrypt-devel - Development libraries and headers for libmcrypt
- libmemcached - Client library and command line tools for memcached server
- libmemcached-devel - Header files and development libraries for libmemcached
- librabbitmq - Client library for AMQP
- librabbitmq-devel - Header files and development libraries for librabbitmq
- librabbitmq-last - Client library for AMQP
- librabbitmq-last-devel - Header files and development libraries for librabbitmq-last
- librabbitmq-last-tools - Example tools built using the librabbitmq package
- librabbitmq-tools - Example tools built using the librabbitmq package
- librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- librdkafka-devel - Development files for librdkafka
- libsodium-last - The Sodium crypto library
- libsodium-last-devel - Development files for libsodium-last
- libsodium-last-static - Static library for libsodium-last
- libssh2 - A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
- libssh2-devel - Development files for libssh2
- libssh2-docs - Documentation for libssh2
- libtidy - Shared libraries for tidy
- libtidy-devel - Development files for libtidy
- libx86 - Library for making real-mode x86 calls
- libx86-devel - Development tools for programs which will use libx86
- libxmp - A multi-format module playback library
- libxmp-devel - A multi-format module playback library development files
- libzip-last - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
- libzip-last-devel - Development files for libzip-last
- libzip-last-tools - Command line tools from libzip-last
- libzip5 - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
- libzip5-devel - Development files for libzip5
- libzip5-tools - Command line tools from libzip5