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php-silex - PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony components

Remi Collet
Silex is a PHP micro-framework. It is built on the shoulders of Symfony and
Pimple and also inspired by Sinatra.

A micro-framework provides the guts for building simple single-file apps. Silex
aims to be:
* Concise: Silex exposes an intuitive and concise API that is fun to use
* Extensible: Silex has an extension system based around the Pimple micro
  service-container that makes it even easier to tie in third party libraries
* Testable: Silex uses Symfony's HttpKernel which abstracts requests and
  responses. This makes it very easy to test apps and the framework itself.
  It also respects the HTTP specification and encourages its' proper use.


php-silex-1.3.5-4.el5.remi.noarch [90 KiB] Changelog by Shawn Iwinski (2016-07-23):
- Updated autoloader to not use "@include_once"
php-silex-1.3.5-3.el5.remi.noarch [90 KiB] Changelog by Shawn Iwinski (2016-04-01):
- Use actual package names (instead of virtual provides) for conflicts